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Ticks & Worms
Ticks & Worms

Ticks & Worms

Along with the warm weather and sunny days, spring brings a few health hazards. Every year we like to remind our clients of their health checklist for the season.

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Feline Leukemia
Feline Leukemia

Feline Leukemia

Feline leukemia virus suppresses a cat’s immune system and increases their risk of infection, anemia and cancer.

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Ask Owners About Signs of Pet Pain
Questions to Ask Owners About Potential Signs of Pain

Ask Owners About Signs of Pet Pain

Animals can often hide their pain and it takes the owners to notice specific signs to know that their pet is unwell.

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Importance of Senior Pet Blood Work
Importance of Senior Pet Blood Work

Importance of Senior Pet Blood Work

Pets eight years and older are considered to be seniors. In human terms, a 10-year-old dog is between 56 and 78 and a 10-year old cat is 63 human-years-old.

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Outdoor Enrichment for Cats: The Catio!
Outdoor Enrichment for Cats: The Catio!

Outdoor Enrichment for Cats: The Catio!

Do you have a cat who likes to be outside? Does said cat bring home lots of presents (i.e., birds or rodents) or come home frequently injured after fighting?

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Bringing Home the Perfect Pet
Bringing Home the Perfect Pet

Bringing Home the Perfect Pet

Adding a new addition to the family is always an exciting time. However, there are a few things to consider before bringing home that new puppy or dog.

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Training Your Pets for the Vet
Training Your Pets for the Vet

Training Your Pets for the Vet

When getting a new puppy or kitten, there are training tricks you can do to make them more prepared for their visits to the Veterinary clinic.

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It Was a Dark and Chocolate Night
It Was a Dark and Chocolate Night

It Was a Dark and Chocolate Night

The first time I had to give a dog activated charcoal, I was glad our patient was a black lab. It is given by mouth with a large syringe – it gets very, very messy.

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Introducing a New Cat to Your Home
Introducing a New Cat to Your Home

Introducing a New Cat to Your Home

Multi animal homes can be a handful and a challenge when everyone is used to one another, let alone when trying to introduce a new member.

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The Importance of Crate Training
The Importance of Crate Training

The Importance of Crate Training

As an owner of two very anxious dogs, I could talk for days about the many benefits of crate training your dog properly.

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Pet Insurance: Sitting on the Fence?
Are You Sitting on the Fence About Pet Insurance?

Pet Insurance: Sitting on the Fence?

Often pet owners don’t think about the unforeseen costs of owning a pet, and that is the expense of unexpected illnesses or accidents.

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Tick Trouble
Tick Trouble

Tick Trouble

Many reports are saying ticks are coming back with a bang. Before, about 50% of Nova Scotia was at high risk for Lyme disease, this year’s estimate is 95%.

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